Online forms for small buiness

Accept Payments

Launch and grow your business with easy and powerful form builder tools, and easily accept online payments with Stripe.

Email Alerts

Receive email alerts as soon as a submission comes through and send out confirmation emails to your respondents automatically.


Use a dashboard to simultaneously present data from up to nine charts. Dashboards act as a business intelligence tool by providing a snapshot of your data in various forms.

Small Business Online Forms

When you need to collect information, learn people’s preferences, or gather feedback, there’s nothing better than a form. Forms can be boring—but they don't have to be. The newest form apps make basic contact fields and payment options almost look exciting, while even the most traditional form app can be exciting if it's helping your business grow.

Order Form Template

  • Accept Payments

    Launch and grow your business with easy and powerful form builder tools, and easily accept online payments with Stripe.

  • Email Alerts

    Receive email alerts as soon as a submission comes through.

  • Form Rules

    Create form rules and recommendations to apply conditional logic without writing code.

  • Dashboards

    Use a dashboard to simultaneously present data from up to 6 charts.

Ready to build online forms?

Start today. It is Free!