What Is a Workflow?

Workflow is a form of flow management technology that coordinates interactions between people and software systems. It coordinates the flow, the interaction patterns across manual and systemetized tasks.

Workflow Process refers to a series of activities that take place in order to achieve a business outcome. In most cases, the process is linear and proceeds in a sequence determined by actions or pre-defined business rules.

What Is an Automated Workflow?

Workflow automation is a created series of automated actions for the steps in a business process. It is used to improve everyday business processes so you can concentrate on getting more done and focus on the things that matter.

What are triggers?

Triggers are events that start workflows. Triggers can help you manage your workflow and improve your customer satisfaction by automatically performing actions whenever a record is created or updated with specified conditions.

Captisa Forms Triggers?

Captisa Form triggers contain conditions and actions. You combine these to create ‘if’ and ‘then’ statements (if the form entry contains a certain set of conditions then the actions make updates to the record, send email to staff, or to an email address in your form).

In the following example, when an issue is reported workflow engine sends confirmation email to the customer and the support team, otherwise, if it is inquiry email is routed to the sales team.

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Captisa Forms

Create online forms the easy way. Whether you’re looking to generate leads, conduct customer surveys, find applicants for a job, or register guests for an event, Captisa's easy-to-use online form builder lets you build customized online forms to fit your exact needs in minutes

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